Tuesday, October 4, 2011

How to keep up with your favorite photographers on Facebook.

Facebook has recently made some pretty big changes to how items are displayed on your news feeds. Complex algorithms are being used to decide what is of interest to you, and what is not. It is a helpful way to organize your friends' updates. Unfortunately, business pages have been suffering. Page views, interactions and comments have all declined drastically in the past week.

Have you been missing your favorite photographer's content? Here is a quick step-by-step guide to creating Facebook lists so you never miss another update or photo!

Step 1: Click the Facebook logo.
Step 2: Click "more" next to "lists".
Step 3: Click on "Create a List".
Step 4: Name your list. (Example: "Photographers")
Step 5: Click "Add Friends".
Step 6: Check "Pages" from the drop down menu and click on any page you want displayed on your Photography list.
Step 7: Click "Done".

That's it! Whenever you want to check in on photographers, or businesses, simply click your customized list and you can browse, Like, and comment on all your favorite content!

Do you have any helpful tips on Facebook's new news feed? Leave them in a comment below!

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