Monday, October 3, 2011

Photographing children: Capturing a moment

"Summer Girls" by Sara Spildener

       When you say the words "children" and "photography" in the same sentence, you can almost hear a collective grumble from photogs all over the world. Photographing children is not easy. They're impatient, loud, they never sit still, and their emotions are quite bipolar. They are a photog's worst nightmare... but they don't have to be.

       I've been photographing children for a number of years, my own children and my client's children. I used to spend hours preparing for kid shoots. I'd scrutinize over the perfect location. I'd rent equipment. I'd obsess over posing ideas. I'd make lists, and revised lists, and final draft lists. What a waste of time it all was, and how ignorant I was to think I had any control over the situation. Now don't get me wrong, there's a certain amount of preparation needed for any shoot, but when you're photographing something as variable as a child, you need to throw out your lists and go with the flow.

       So how do you turn a not-so-desirable situation into a beautiful, timeless photo? 
  • Don't. Stop. Clicking. I can not stress this enough. Photographing children is similar to photographing sports. In the blink of an eye the moment is gone. The only way to ensure you don't miss anything is to set your camera on burst mode, press the shutter and don't let go. On an average hour-long kid shoot I will come home with upwards of 400 photos. 95% of them will contain closed eyes, weird faces, snot bubbles, flailing limbs, backs of heads... you get the idea. The other 5% will contain those moments you didn't even realize were there at the time. Moments that truly are magical, especially in the eyes of the parents. You'll capture childlike wonder, infectious laughter, sweet smiles and rosy cheeks and all the things that bring out a child's amazing personality. You'll be thankful you took so many photos!
  • Pay attention to the children, not the parents. This one is pretty much a no-brainer, but I think it's worth mentioning, especially to photogs who are new to child photography. It's very easy to get caught up chatting with the parents and trying to keep them happy. They've already hired you. Your work there is done. Now it's time to focus on the children. The more time you spend with the parents, the more moments you're missing with the children.
  • Utilize your camera's auto functions.  *braces for backlash*  Now normally I wouldn't recommend this because I'm a photographer and I think auto might actually be the Antichrist. But seriously, I think auto mode has a place in photography and one of its places is child photography. When I'm on location (usually a park setting), light can go from shady to sunny to cloudy in the blink of an eye. In the time it takes me to adjust things like white balance and ISO, I could miss an awesome moment. Also, I've ruined a lot of photos by forgetting that I'm on sunny white balance and then stepping into some shade for a shot. Sure, I could fix it in post but had my camera been on auto WB, I wouldn't have to. It's a time-saver and a sanity-saver, and it doesn't make you any less of a photographer.
  • Watch the light. Well-lit portraits are a must, and child portraits are no different. Light is one of those things you don't want to skimp on or rush through. If you're outdoors, schedule the session in the morning or in the evening. Mid-day sun is harsh and unflattering. Keep the sun at your back. This ensures the subject standing in front of you is being lit with lovely, low-angle light. This takes a bit more effort and running around on your part, but that's your job. Nothing wrong with a little hustle. Forgetting where your light source is will lead to drab skin tones and unflattering shadows which will ruin even the most perfect moment.
  • Bribery. Kids love being rewarded for a job well done, and it encourages them to do better next time. Different ages deserve different rewards. A young toddler may benefit from hugs and kisses from Mom and Dad after they've smiled for a picture. An older child can be coaxed to cooperate with the promise of ice cream after the session. Talk to the parents beforehand and find out what would be appropriate for their child. I have brought bubbles to kid shoots and told the children if they smiled and cooperated, they can take the bubbles home with them. It's a nice incentive for the kids and it doubles as a photo prop (bubbles make great photos!). Another great tip is bring a Pez dispenser. A Pez dispenser fits perfectly onto your camera's hot shoe. Reward the child with a piece every time you get a great photo. Having candy come out of your big, loud camera also makes it less scary and intimidating.
       Most importantly, just relax and go with the flow. The best moments happen when children are just being themselves. Make the best of the situation you're in and have fun with it. Kids are fun, remember?

       I hope you find these tips helpful next time you're photographing children. Do you have any tips for photographing children? Leave them in a comment below!

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